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Pure speculation, perhaps, but we can dream. Might it not be possible to conceive a brand, the positioning and advertising of which are in harmony with the environment, using entirely natural bioplastic colorants for the presentation, packaging, protection and enhancement of products and the promotion of an eco-conscious image? Is this imaginative and conceptual idealism, or simply a vision for the future?


Today, any conscientious industrial operator with a commitment to eco-friendly operation, recycling and respect for the environment must surely recognize the relevance of the innovative biobatch process, as a 100% natural, non-polluting and biodegradable colouring solution.


The plastics industry, producers of disposable goods, economic and industrial stakeholders, conscious of the fact that an alternative process is possible and in the interests of respect for nature, the human race and human health, are directly affected by this responsible and highly promising initiative, which chimes perfectly with the expectations of consumers.


The field of applications is unlimited, and points us towards the future…


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